Comic Series

Love Not Found – Ch.24, p34

LNF – RSS Feed

HEADS UP! It turns out the Toocheke theme I installed for the new site design keeps its comic rss feed in a separate folder /comic/feed rather than just /feed.

If you’re seeing this post in your RSS feed, you’re most likely following the original feed and not seeing new comic updates that are happening now. If you wish to get Love Not Found comic updates as well as the blog updates make sure to follow this link in your RSS reader:

VOLUME 3 is here!

Exciting news! The Love Not Found Volume 3 books have arrived and all Kickstarter orders have been shipped out to backers! If you missed out on the original Kickstarter campaign, you can now get the book and other wonderful goodies from my Etsy shop (standard edition and a limited number of artist editions)! You can pick up the digital edition on!

Website… Make-up!

Hello LNF Buds! In last few months you’ve probably noticed the issues the website was experiencing with regards to not showing the latest comic updates when they post. It was as frustrating for you as it was for me! Between that and other back-end issues that had been piling up, I decided to take the plunge and rebuild the site from scratch (again). In doing so, I was able to make several improvements to the design and functionality of the site.

The biggest improvement being a new responsive WordPress theme for easier reading on tablets and other mobile devices. This is huge. After all, times are changing and with it the tech we use to read webcomics. Another “BIG” improvement I’m sure you’ll notice is the larger size of the comic pages themselves which will making reading experience better as well! It’s really fantastic to be able to offer my series in a way that is easier for everyone to read online. Other functional additions include being able to bookmark where you left off in your reading and links below the comic that make it even easier to share on social media!

With this and the Filthy Figments site redesign in the bag, I am going to buckle down and finish up the script for the next chapter of Love Not Found and get Volume 3 to the printer! <3

Eternally Yours fanzine

“It’s the Moon Princess’s birthday and the only gift she wants is the handsome prince of Earth, Endymion.” ETERNALLY YOURS is a 32-page erotic comic exploring the early days of Serenity x Endymion’s forbidden star-crossed romance! I’ve wanted to create something like this for a LONG time and have finally done it!