This week's updates were a bust as my house came down with Covid for the first time ever last Friday. Thankfully we're on the mend as most of the worst symptoms have subsided, but still in recovery mode. Also, side note, smells have become repulsively intense. However, I feel like will be recovered enough by the end of the weekend to have a new page ready to go on Tuesday. Thank you for your patience and support! Stay safe out there, everyone!
15 thoughts on “Sick Day”
Oh no! I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself! I finally ended up catching it July of last year, ended up losing my voice for a few weeks after. Not fun when you work retail and need to talk to customers.
Be good to yourself, don’t rush it! I have had it twice, once in 2020 and this year. First time was pre-shot and knocked me out for months off and on, wore me down.
Get well soon! <3
And congrats on avoiding it until now, it sounds like a pain in too many ways.
Looking forward to the next page, whenever it is ready.
Yeah, COVID got me for the first time this year. My first time as a vendor, for a dating event. No one seemed to have any symptoms but I was knocked on my butt for two weeks. Very frustrating. Hopefully you and your family have shorter recovery.
Take the time you need to recover! I got long COVID, partly because I tried to get back to work again so soon, I think. Take care!! <3
Oh no!! Screw the comic, take all the time you need to recover and a little more on top! The comic can wait!
Seriously, Covid is such a russian roulette, it’s not even funny: you never know if your life will be in danger or if it will be mostly fine… Which itself might be just an illusion.
In 2020, during the most restrictive lockdown, my idiot father went out for a drink with his pals and brought back Covid for all of us. At first I was terrified but then I calmed down because my only symptom was a very mild cough, caused by slight overproduction and thickening of phlegm. Covid ended, lockdowns ended, years went on… The phlegm thing never left! For the past three years the first thing I do in the morning, even before opening my eyes, is hack a loogie or else I would choke on the thick blob of mucus in my throat
It’s horrible! And the worst is knowledge that objectively I got off easy, and some people end up too weak to breath in their sleep…
(It’s called “long Covid”, where you’re no longer infectious but symptoms stick around)
Sooo, yeah, take ALL the time off and listen
to your doctor!
Grandmotherbear -Please take all the time you need to recover fully. You can’t draw in the grave. Back during the Spanish Flu, the most people who recovered could rest for 3 full weeks. Most people could not afford that much time off work. Some of the ways to boost your immunity, besides the vaccine, are zinc and Vit C , and oddly enough , famotidine and sambucus. There are nasal sprays researched to work against Covid, the only one I can remember is XLEAR, made with xylitol. It provides coverage for 8 hrs. The technique is to blow your nose first to rid
it of mucus, then spray, taking sniffs to pull it up into your sinuses and other parts of your respiratory tract. We also take elderberry twice a day. I hope some of this information has been helpfulto you.
dear Gods I’m so sorry!!! I really hope your symptoms are milder, shit almost killed me two months ago >< I wish people would just wear masks to prevent this kinda thing!!!!
Gina Biggs
Yeah, in our area, I usually only see one or two other people aside from mysel in any given store actually wearing a mask. It’s frustrating when you’re doing all you can but hardly anyone else is even trying at this point.
Please take your time with recovery and really pay attention to your energy levels. Overexertion after/during the acute phase of Covid (ie, the first month) is a known risk factor for Long COVID. Take good care.
Deb R.B.
That’s the worst! Same happened to me! Got it on New Years’ Eve for the first time the whole pandemic! I hope you’re feeling better! Take all the time you need!
I’m so glad you’re feeling better! I came back to add:
I heard on TV that apparently scientists discovered a riddicolously easy way to avoid catching Covid: drinking coffee! Yup, just normal coffee. IIRC it halves the amount of infections? But there’s one catch: you’re only safer WHILE there’s coffee coursing through your veins… So I’ve started leaving my home while sipping coffee — it’s not much but it’s something
Gina Biggs
Oh gosh, that makes me wish I found coffee even slightly palatable! I can’t stand the taste even with a buttload of sugar and/or milk/cream.
I got COVID for the first time that week too! Kudos to both of us for making it nearly four whole years!! Thank you for taking time to recover