LNF – RSS Feed

HEADS UP! It turns out the Toocheke theme I installed for the new site design keeps its comic rss feed in a separate folder /comic/feed rather than just /feed.

If you’re seeing this post in your RSS feed, you’re most likely following the original feed and not seeing new comic updates that are happening now. If you wish to get Love Not Found comic updates as well as the blog updates make sure to follow this link in your RSS reader: https://lovenotfound.com/comic/feed/

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9 thoughts on “LNF – RSS Feed

  1. This also does not work 🙁

    1. WordPress was being weird with the link. Fixed it. This should be a correct, working link (I double checked it worked in my Feedly acct: https://lovenotfound.com/comic/feed/

  2. Unfortunately, when I tried to add this website to feedly, my rss, it isn’t categorized as valid.

    1. Looks like WordPress is trying to thwart me left and right. This should be a correct, working link: https://lovenotfound.com/comic/feed/

  3. It works for me, in feedly, if I enter the complete URLs in the “websites” section:

    Love Not foumd: https://lovenotfound.com/feed
    Comments for Love Not Found: https://lovenotfound.com/comic/feed

    There are other RSS readers. I use Feeder, on IOS, and windows in firefox, vivaldi, and edge.

  4. Thanks for looking into it! It works now

  5. Thanks for the heads up! I just assumed it was on hiatus.

  6. Wait, so is this really the last chapter? What a journey it’s been.

    1. Second to last chapter! One more after this one.

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