One thing to note too, is people like Abeille’s mom also generally keep up a certain persona out in public. I say generally because there are exceptions of course.
Is that Amarylis’ personal ekg in the background of Panel 3? If so it is showing aheart struggling to live but it will need more than 1 beat every what 20 years?
I wish Abeille was strong enough to say:
“You cost me my hobby. You cost me my job. You cost me my mental health. Go home, Mom. I’m not interested in joining you.”
Abellle seems to want to keep the peace as much as Mallow does (and reluctantly, Amaryllis too, otherwise she’ll blow her whole strategy here). She’s trying to keep some healthy boundary space away from her mother while trying to maintain their relationship. Despite the darkening grey zone that Amaryllis’ slowly saturating here, I’m fairly certain that Abeille put her foot down once Amaryllis finally oversteps and tramples any minuscule respect she could left for her daughter.
-If- I read Amarylis correctly: that would give her a hell of an opening. She’s used to being able to attack anything like anger or sadness or the like, and Abeille just letting it slide off (well, at least she’s putting up a front of that. I would not blame her for having a nice relaxing -scream-into-the-void- once she has space. X_@) Continuing this front may actually cause the mom to loose her cool instead. Maybe.
Yes, exactly. By not giving Amaryllis an opening (Abeille expressing any emotion really), Abeille is forcing her mom to be the one to start drama if Amaryllis wants that. Starting drama would put attention on Amaryllis (which she likes, clearly) but would also put her in a weaker position in an argument or negotiation.
I kind of hope she explodes so that it becomes obvious who’s the troublemaker here, in public. I doubt Mallow will leave no matter how much of a heinous individual Amaryllis is (since he’s learned that to some extent he can follow in her wake), but maybe he can find a way to support his daughter and keep Amaryllis away from Abeille.
I don’t know if it was entirely intentional, but the yellow-tinge of Amarylis’s eyes matching the background artistically gives that “annoyed, glazed over” energy! I feel like it fits with her disappointment that Abeille is content with her new life that she knows little about and that she can’t dangle like a carrot
20 thoughts on “Love Not Found – Ch.24, p31”
Ew that blunt change of tone to her answer just yikes…
Ahhh she smiled as long as she could – than she broke.
Tiffany Leavelle
One thing to note too, is people like Abeille’s mom also generally keep up a certain persona out in public. I say generally because there are exceptions of course.
“Nice” try Amaryllis but you’re going to need to do better or rather be better than that.
Kaela Opalheart
indignant that the bait won’t work. yikes.
Persuasion check… failed.
Swing and a miss, strike one!
strike 2 really, strike 1 was forgetting the non pierced ears – I see strije 3 incoming soon
Is that Amarylis’ personal ekg in the background of Panel 3? If so it is showing aheart struggling to live but it will need more than 1 beat every what 20 years?
Oh yes, the ringette she was so nice about before…
Lmao, even
I wish Abeille was strong enough to say:
“You cost me my hobby. You cost me my job. You cost me my mental health. Go home, Mom. I’m not interested in joining you.”
Abellle seems to want to keep the peace as much as Mallow does (and reluctantly, Amaryllis too, otherwise she’ll blow her whole strategy here). She’s trying to keep some healthy boundary space away from her mother while trying to maintain their relationship. Despite the darkening grey zone that Amaryllis’ slowly saturating here, I’m fairly certain that Abeille put her foot down once Amaryllis finally oversteps and tramples any minuscule respect she could left for her daughter.
-If- I read Amarylis correctly: that would give her a hell of an opening. She’s used to being able to attack anything like anger or sadness or the like, and Abeille just letting it slide off (well, at least she’s putting up a front of that. I would not blame her for having a nice relaxing -scream-into-the-void- once she has space. X_@) Continuing this front may actually cause the mom to loose her cool instead. Maybe.
Yes, exactly. By not giving Amaryllis an opening (Abeille expressing any emotion really), Abeille is forcing her mom to be the one to start drama if Amaryllis wants that. Starting drama would put attention on Amaryllis (which she likes, clearly) but would also put her in a weaker position in an argument or negotiation.
I kind of hope she explodes so that it becomes obvious who’s the troublemaker here, in public. I doubt Mallow will leave no matter how much of a heinous individual Amaryllis is (since he’s learned that to some extent he can follow in her wake), but maybe he can find a way to support his daughter and keep Amaryllis away from Abeille.
I don’t know if it was entirely intentional, but the yellow-tinge of Amarylis’s eyes matching the background artistically gives that “annoyed, glazed over” energy! I feel like it fits with her disappointment that Abeille is content with her new life that she knows little about and that she can’t dangle like a carrot
I love how Amaryllis mirrors Abeille the entire time.
About Mallow smiling in the last frame: I’m elaborating on what Peter White said on Patreon.
He doesn’t want them to fight, and he loves them both. So, he’s observing…. “he man few word”.
Oof I have had this flavor of argument before and just: Rock on Abeille! Keep it up!
Deb R.B.
Here it comes…
Well it’s not as if ice can’t be made indoors. That’s something she could get started here.