Love Not Found – Ch.24, p10

16 thoughts on “Love Not Found – Ch.24, p10

  1. Okay, I have a feeling the next page is going to be a big one. And there should never be a ‘side’, but often sadly there are.

  2. I truly, truly hope….in the deep bottoms of my heart, that Mallow says Abeille is. Like please, be a good dad. Choose your child’s happiness over your wife’s venom and spite. Please.
    She asked, but please answer in a way that does not damage your child more.

  3. I doubt Mallow can keep hiding his true feelings any further on this problem soon enough, hoping to not cause this rift from worsening. Amaryllis may likely already figured out by his body language that he doesn’t want things to go back as they were as much as Abeille does. No way that this scene will end without some exchange of harsh words happening.

    1. I agree. It looks like the same day when we last saw Amaryllis, and Mallow had openly defined Amaryllis Chapter 21 page 24 (openly to the reader). He cringes from her when there is opening to show her that he is supporting Abeille in staying, but that isn’t the same as being defeated.

      1. Kenned Doll 🔆🌻

        defied…, not defined

  4. This is it, Mallow. It’s now or never.

  5. “Whose side are you on?” makes it abundantly clear that despite all her pretense, Amaryllis is perfectly aware that she is not in this to help Abeille but to hurt her.

    And Mallow could perfectly well respond “I am on on Abeille’s side. I thought you were too? What is this about then?”

    1. Kenned Doll 🔆🌻

      “Aware” is a complicated word. I want a cookie, but I don’t really want a cookie. Will is different than want. I am aware of what will happen if I have a cookie, but I convince myself that I want it. Amaryllis asking who’s side Mallow is on betrays her awareness of her behavior, but not to her executive mind. If you’ve seen Inside/Out, Amaryllis is Riley, Joy is her Executive mind, and both are out of touch with Anger, Fear, Sadness, and Disgust.

      Abeille isn’t reactionary, like Amaryllis. She isn’t controlled by Amaryllis, as she would be if she became Amaryllis’ mirror image. Sometimes, it’s too painful to handle the behavior of other people and one needs to erect a boundary. Abeille did that. She moved to Monotropa from Pasque. She is free. And she helped everyone she met along the way, freeing all of those people and herself. Amaryllis and Acier and society have caused problems for Abeille and Miel, which is what happens to caring people. I hope Abeille will describe why she needs separation, to Amaryllis, not because Amaryllis will understand, but for herself. Something like a restraining order would be nice.

      Abeille turned Amaryllis’ cruelty into something beautiful. That’s the real Evette’s garden which she is tending and it’s growing beautifully.

    2. I had the same thought, but she would just twist it into “I *am* on her side, I know what’s best for her even if she doesn’t!” kind of stuff, alas.

      1. I agree. I don’t expect Amaryllis to be able to be reasoned with or appealed to. I hope Mallow will assert himself for himself and his daughter. I can see him completely caving in, but that would just be sad. He clearly loves Abeille and gets joy from being with her. I’m hopeful that however he responds, it won’t be whatever it would be, kidnapping? I will be shocked if Abeille goes anywhere with Amaryllis, even if she were by herself, but she has Miel and the moms and her other friends.

      2. like Roy Orbison sang, You’ve got it!

  6. And this is where Mallow realizes that actually, Amaryllis really is a horrible person, and negotiating with her just isn’t going to work. Here’s hoping he has what it takes to do what he knows is right.

  7. A powerful page.
    There is a misspelled word in the first bubble. I think you’ve missed a letter out of the word “Concentrate”.
    As always, I very much enjoy your comic.

  8. Been there done that worn the Tshirt. My father began to give up his hope on my mother’s mellowing when I was in elementary school, which eventually lead to a divorce and him getting custody of my brother and me- most unusual in the 1960s. Despite this being such a trigger that I had tears, I have to read this over and over…Please Mallow, choose your daughter. A parent’s role is to protect his /her child- that is emotionally as well as physically.
    There is NOTHING as important as saving your children…when you realize this, you realize that you must save yourself too! I’m 74 years old and still bear the scars on my psyche…

  9. Where’s a ninja smoke bomb when you need one?

  10. Poor Mallow, he just wants his wife back and he is wondering who is this person he is traveling with.

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