Author's Note: The plant on the memorial plaque is a Monotropa uniflora, aka the Ghost Plant, Indian Pipe, or Ghost Pipe. This plant is the namesake of Monotropa and is also the plant Miel gifted to Abeille early in the series.

Author's Note: The plant on the memorial plaque is a Monotropa uniflora, aka the Ghost Plant, Indian Pipe, or Ghost Pipe. This plant is the namesake of Monotropa and is also the plant Miel gifted to Abeille early in the series.
13 thoughts on “Love Not Found – Ch.24, p34”
Cha Cha Cha
Crushing a flower in the process. Very smart, lady. Very caring.
Wow, just.. wow, such disrespect for the planet you’re visiting. “I like this place here. I’ll just destroy this flower because MY Daughter deserves the spot more.” and just the absolute dismissal of Abeille’s way of remembrance.
Amaryllis is such a piece of work. I hope she gets what’s coming to her.
Tina M Comroe
aaaaand here’s the One Upmanship move…yep. Her sister would have loved the seeds more than the big picture to make her little sister feel small. good going mommy dearest. (sarcasm)
Yeah, no, your daughter would hate that. Shows how much this woman cares about others. While killing another thing to memorialize her legacy. I’m sorry, her daughter. Cause she cares about her daughter so much.
The flower on the memorial looks like a parasitic flower called a ghost pipe.
It’s fitting in so many ways. Is it actually a ghost pipe?
Gina Biggs
Yes, it is the Monotropa uniflora, aka the ghost pipe. It’s the plant Miel gifted to Abeille and the namesake of the planet ^_^
Are you ALLOWED to put a personal memorial like that in the middle of a public park…?
My very first thought was “Did you even get permission to put that there?” As someone who lives in a country where tourists routinely get away with trashing it, this bothered me so much. Her entitlement to put the memorial bothers me on a different level. Like, “MY thing is more important than whatever this place is and it’s importance to this country is.” It hits differently when you come from a place that just a few weeks ago had a tourist drunkenly torch four local businesses on a drunken tantrum and is just barely getting what they deserve (on a justice level).
And don’t even get me started on the dismissal of Abeille’s gift. That’s a rant that would make me find out if this website has a character limit. I really hope the mom gets what’s coming to her.
A Nonny Mouse
This page actually made me so upset I’m crying. The absolute disrespect of killing a flower to put up that disturbing hologram, the brushing off of the strawberries (Evette’s favorite plant/fruit) and Abielle’s incredibly thoughtful idea of planting them, and the fact that the plaque is a ghost pipe, which I once found growing under some bushes near my house years ago and my mother decided it was an ugly weed and had the landscaper get rid of it even though she knew I really liked it. I genuinely can’t stand Amaryllis, she reminds me entirely too deeply of my mom.
Talk about putting someone on a pedestal.
…And…didn’t she just get done dreaming of her sister’s ghost?
“Would have wanted something that lasts” hello? EVER BEARING strawberries????? Good grief x.x
Deb R.B.
And here we go. So many sentiments already said by everyone that I agree with, so I have nothing to add. Just mad right along with them!
Love Not Found
July 18-20, 2025
Miami, Florida