Love Not Found – Ch.24, p17

4 thoughts on “Love Not Found – Ch.24, p17

  1. Maybe bring some extra pops for the “you-know-who guests” that’ll be showing up there later. They could either work as a peace-offering or makeshift ammunition, depending how things pan out.

  2. These two are so stinkin’ cute

  3. Is death by cuteness possible? Oh my god. O h my god Oh my god…

  4. I’ve been very slow to catch the updates(my excuse is hurricane cleanup since Milton left my yard full of Spanish moss and some huge branches) mainly because it’s been triggering old feelings. One doesn’t entirely heal from narcissistic parental abuse totally, one needs to reprocess occasionally. Asking the young man’s former boss , who was not thrilled with Miel’s being distracted by Abeille from the first, is an act of courage on both their parts. Will the former boss become one of their family-by choice- intellectually if not part of the Touching Brigade? Will Abeille’s father wake up and leave his wife? I’ve been trying (wo)manfully to reprocess my own issues. Unfortunately NPD’s almost always play games with their grandchildren, so I hope and pray your plot line doesn’t include her (unbelievable or not) recognition that she has harmed others and they never become willing to make amends.Abeille and Miel will eventually become parents, and may use fosters only occasionally-Sorry, I’m rambling again.

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