Love Not Found – Ch.24, p18

Hiya everyone! Hope you enjoy today's page. I had a lot of fun playing with angles and breaking out of panels on this one! I especially liked the clouds reflecting off the window in the first panel. Also, I want that dress! lol

Side note: I caught whatever my kiddo got sick with at school last week. It's not too bad (sore throat, a bit achey, no fever) but gonna be taking it easy today to see if I can sleep it off.

10 thoughts on “Love Not Found – Ch.24, p18

  1. Time to rip the bandage off.

  2. I’m really worried about what her mom is going to try and do here. I want a happy ending for everyone, but I’m worried that Mallow might not depending on how he tries to reason with Amaryllis.

    1. I assume you mean “for everyone except Amaryllis”, who has really made her own sad ending and isn’t going to get out of it without some significant self-reflection and change, something she seems to be incapable of doing.

      1. Well if Amaryllis gets conked on the head and undergoes a personality change, becoming a cheerful understanding mother as a result, that’s kind of a happy ending for all, is it not?

  3. Awww. The skates in panel 2. Healthy plants on the shelf. And, instant headache in the last 2 panels.

  4. Agreed with Gina! Abeille has the best wardrobe of everyone in this comic! I want ALL her dresses, and the ability to be able to pull them off like she does.

    Meanwhile, it looks like it’s almost time for the final showdown with Amaryllis. If she’s smart, she won’t tell mom about the flower shop she hopes to open with Miel, because you know Mommy Dearest would pull all the strings to make sure it doesn’t happen while on the surface acting like she’s all on Abeille’s side now and “trying to help”.

    1. Yeah. I hope she doesn’t tell her mom about business that is non of her business. I’m not eager to see a showdown. Something that would lead to her not trying to interfere: yes.

  5. Good work on the panels! Fingers crossed for Abeille

  6. Panel 3 is my favorite.

  7. I love the clouds you drew as well!! So pretty!

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