I am waiting for Amarylis (?) to pull another of her dirty tricks on Abeille. I know Manga are very big into reconciliation but there are somethings you have to forgive but not forget so you never put yourself in harms way again. DH was victimized by a Munchausen’s (sp?) by proxy mother, and myself a narcissistic personality disorder maternal host beast, I can feel the knife sunk deep into my back. Prolly Am is going to work on Ab’s guilt over her sister’s death. I hope Ab has enough strength to walk away from Am’s trap.
Or at least get Amaryllis to acknowledge that Abeille is living an adult life now and need to let her daughter to be in charge of it. But that’s hoping a lot for stagnated old habits to change quickly.
9 thoughts on “Love Not Found – Ch.24, p33”
Oh that -smirk- from her mom in the last panel. >8[
I am waiting for Amarylis (?) to pull another of her dirty tricks on Abeille. I know Manga are very big into reconciliation but there are somethings you have to forgive but not forget so you never put yourself in harms way again. DH was victimized by a Munchausen’s (sp?) by proxy mother, and myself a narcissistic personality disorder maternal host beast, I can feel the knife sunk deep into my back. Prolly Am is going to work on Ab’s guilt over her sister’s death. I hope Ab has enough strength to walk away from Am’s trap.
Time for the old chloroform rag and then back to Pasque. Or something similarly terminal for the mood.
Tina M Comroe
Please, please let it be that the father puts his spine back on and helps his daughter gain freedom and safety away from mom…please.
Or at least get Amaryllis to acknowledge that Abeille is living an adult life now and need to let her daughter to be in charge of it. But that’s hoping a lot for stagnated old habits to change quickly.
A Nonny Mouse
I hope Monotropia has carnivorous plants and one of them is sentient enough to eat Amaryllis.
I should think that carnivorous plants would have evolved to avoid toxicity.
Oh, the calm before the storm…so pretty and so ominous.
Deb R.B.
I need a seamstress so I can wear Abeille’s clothes.
Love Not Found
July 18-20, 2025
Miami, Florida