Love Not Found – Ch24, p36

6 thoughts on “Love Not Found – Ch24, p36

  1. Excuse the language, but the amount of ‘not giving a shit’ coming from the mom (i refuse to address her by name because its too pretty for such a shit person) is starting to piss me off.
    I’m not gonna wish ill things upon her, but I do hope her entire life revolves around minor inconveniences that piss her off.

    1. It kind of does, I think. It seems a bit like she goes out of her way to find things she can complain about and/or control, and she can complain about what she fails to control.

  2. I’m not disagreeing with Bleuryder here, in case it comes off that way. I feel the same anger. As usual I’m arguing for not being reactionary, for being like Abeille.

    Today I realized or had articulated for me by readers’ comments, that I see Abeille as neurodivergent in the sense that she thinks differently than normal. I don’t admire her for being perfect. I don’t admire her for her achievements. While she conflicts with Amaryllis and society, she doesn’t have to have an excuse to be admired by me. If Abeille were simply inhibited and unusually empathetic, without there being an Amaryllis to blame, I would still admire her. It’s what I admire about her.

    A type of neurodivergent behavior is aversion to games, where there are arbitrary rules and people play the games to fit in to society. We care about people because we feel empathy, not because they are a rung in a social ladder. Abeille experiences negative consequences as a result of not playing people’s games.

    It’s admirable how she has usually avoided weighing how she has been disadvantaged by her parents, as if people’s interactions are transactions where we owe each other favors.

    The cruelty in focusing on getting back at an abuser is a type of game. It is transactional. Being upset and noting unfairness is understandable, but acting on that can hurt oneself, unless it is in a scenario where there is a positive outcome as a result.

  3. Given how commonplace machines are used to do many things over humans doing it by themselves in this comic, I would’ve figured she would sooner go for tech over natural. So Amaryllis DOES like some things traditional…

  4. I mean…dryads would probably ALSO hate heavy memorial holoprojectors being dropped on flowers, but hey.

    1. Trees ain’t peaceful, just slow. Oak leaves poison the soil, most use more direct poison in root to root warfare. The chemical war is on!

      I’m saying they’d stomp on the flower for trying to muscle in on their turf.

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