Scripting in Progress!

Hello Love Not Found BUDS! I am in the process of scripting the exciting final chapter of Love Not Found. I am about half-way done with the script and should be ready to roll with new pages in the coming weeks! Stay tuned for a return date announcement!

Update May 30: I've returned from Mizucon Miami and after taking a few days to rest and recover from the event I'm getting to work on thumbnailing the new Love Not Found chapter! Updates will resume for this double-sized epic finale in mid-June!

11 thoughts on “Scripting in Progress!

  1. My heart is breaking a little knowing this will be the last chapter T_T


  2. What do you mean, Final? Is it going to be the last one ever? T_T

  3. I knew we were close to being done, but I didn’t realize just HOW close lol. I wonder how you’ll wrap this one up. It’s been an amazing journey that’s for sure. Feels like only yesterday when you finished Red String.

  4. I had a feeling it was coming. I’m really going to miss this story, but thank you for sharing your work with us! 😄

  5. did you ever have a book where you stopped reading at the next to last chapter and started again at the beginning because you didn’t want it to end? Yes I do that.

  6. I was worried it would end at the party. But we get to see the life they build with acceptance too, that’s nice

  7. Nooo I’m not ready for this to end, I hope they change society for the better.

  8. Last chapter!?T__T I feel like this is one of the comics I started when it started. I’m going to miss it!

    1. I promise it’s not the end of comic stories from me! I have one (or two) in development that will be ready to launch when this double-sized final chapter ends later next year!

  9. Honestly, it felt so close to an ending with this chapter – I’m grateful that we get one more! Thanks Gina 🙂

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